Nearly three months have passed since the state of alert was declared on 14 March because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) entailing a sharp increase in sales of gloves and masks as a preventive method in view of COVID-19.
On 21 May, the government made the use of masks obligatory for persons over 6 years of age in public thoroughfares and in public spaces, where it is not possible to maintain the safety distance of 2 metres. If we speak of gloves, they are obligatory upon entering supermarkets for the handling of fruit and vegetables.
We find ourselves facing a rather environmentally unfriendly scenario, in which we see these used waste products on the ground, on the beaches... instead of being thrown to the rubbish bin and/or container.
For this reason, we ask the following question: Where should these waste products be thrown away? The user can be confused by the fabrication material: plastic, rubber, nitrite, latex or vinyl. This makes us wonder where they go in the container for recipient recycling, but we are wrong. Therefore, the used gloves and masks must be thrown away in the waste bins.They must not be thrown into the containers for recipients or paper.
Do not forget to wash your hands frequently to avoid possible contagion.
June 2020